Monday, June 23, 2008


Since I have just started writing in this blog tonight, I have not been able to recap our trip up to this point yet -- however I am going to interrupt the blogs to move into present time, because, as many of you who are checking (mostly family, I assume) know, dad's surgery is tomorrow morning. It's currently 12:20 am here and his surgery is at(they keep changing the time.. but I believe the procedure officially starts around) 11:00 am, as that was the time given from Dr. Bose when he visited us tonight. He will be gone for at least 3 hours, and when he is back he may not be conscious (anesthesia) but I'm sure the doctors will give me a report of how it went and I will update right afterwards. I will continue updating about his recovery for the next few days, as about two days after seems to be when people are usually in the most pain (according to conversations we've had today with other patients who are far along on the process of recovery). I sincerely hope that the surgery goes well - possibly better than the last one. His system has been a little out of whack recently from all of the buffets/wine so he's a little worried about that. His blood pressure is also very high and they gave him extra medication for it in addition to his usual. Also, he just told me that he is starting to feel dehydrated (again) with a bad taste in his mouth -- as some of you (certainly Saku) remember, the worst part o the surgery for him 2 years ago was waking up extremely thirsty and not being able to drink any water. He doesn't know why this happened but since he feels dry again I'm assuming its a reaction to the medicine they give him the day before because it would not make sense for him to randomly feel like this both times. We will see how he is after surgery tomorrow -- he drank a lot of water today but now is not allowed to drink or eat anything until after surgery - a long time.. i'm guessing about 15 hours. Other patients we spoke to did not seem to have this problem, although one was allergic to a painkiller they gave him. Anyways, hopefully dehydration will be his biggest problem and the actual surgery goes smoothly. This leg has always been better than his last so I don't see why it wouldn't. I will stop rambling about his health now (lots of spare time/can't sleep) and will update soon. Although I am worried it seems as though Dr. Bose + staff have got this surgery down, as other patients seems more than happy with the results. :)


At 12:40 PM, Blogger Saku said...

Hey Jules,
Don't worry too much. i know its nerve wracking while Dad's in surgery, but this is the point at which you let go of it, since there's no use worrying about things that you have no control over. Rest instead. His blood pressure will stabilize too, he is in excellent hands, its an extremely good team of doctors. The cardiologist there reminded me strongly of my uncle. if its the same gentleman this year, i would not worry, he's highly competent. By the way, which e-mail are you using? it just occured to me that I'm blathering on in a very public spot. Be at peace my dear.

At 7:27 PM, Blogger Ideklein said...

This is a test post


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