Monday, May 22, 2006

Why a "blog" ??

This is my first "blog" (web log). I haven't been a blogger before, or visited other people's blogs, prior to visiting someone's blog who notified our "surface hippy" discussion group about it (Rus Kappius). I went to Rus's blog on nearly a daily basis while he was in India( and found it entertaining and helpful in preparing me for my surgery/adventure. I concluded a blog would be an ideal way for me to communicate with family and friends, and be something to show my great-grandkids when I'm 90 and going strong on my resurfaced hip. They will probably say, "Gee, back in the old days they didn't know how to grow cartilage from stem cells, did they?"


At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find some information here.


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